Trinity Presbyterian Church, Denton, TX

About the church
Trinity is a suburban church located in the college town of Denton.  is a small but active congregation.  With a membership of about 200, Sunday attendance averages 125 worshipers.  Five choirs, including a handbell choir, participate regularly at worship.  Artwork, by members of Trinity as well as local artists, is displayed in both the sanctuary and around the church building.  Trinity is also home to a Muslim/Christian dialogue group.


Sabbath Keeping
We live harried lives without taking the time to reflect, let alone to give thanks.  We are blind to the humanity of our neighbors and ourselves.  We suffer from an idolatry of occupation that confers worth on the basis of work, neglecting the unemployed, the retired, the working poor.  We profess with our lips a grace that we don’t reflect in our lives.
We need renewal and rebirth, a remediation in how to stop, observe creation and receive grace.  We need to hear God’s commandment to keep the Sabbath as an invitation to a different way of life.  Sabbath-keeping invites us to erase all hierarchies; it functions as leaven to transform our relationship with God and each other.
Trinity Presbyterian’s project proposes to transform its worship, and in so doing, transform the lives of congregants outside of worship.  Through meditative contemplation using art, song and other creative expressions, Trinity seeks to understand better what it means to keep the Sabbath, thereby receiving greater intimacy with God and to be moved to a more profound Alleluia.  This intimacy, in turn, will allow the people to better understand and appreciate their relationship with society, an understanding of social justice that will lead to social action.



2200 N. Bell Ave.
Denton, TX

Team Members:

Lenora McCroskey | Director of Music and Team Leader
Craig Hunter | Pastor
Kerol Harrod | Lay representative, librarian and editor